Procedure for Semen Analysis

The testing is by appointment only, and you have the option to collect the semen sample at home for a more relaxed environment if preferred. (Please bring the sample to the clinic within 30 to 60 minutes if collected at home). We provide the necessary sample container in advance or send it to you by mail (at your expense).

The testing typically takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Following the test, the doctor will provide an explanation of the results.

During the examination, various parameters of the semen are assessed, including the volume of semen, sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphology.

Semen Analysis Reference Values

In our clinic, semen analysis is conducted with reference to the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Semen Volume: 1.5ml or more Sperm Concentration: 15 million per milliliter or more Sperm Motility: 40% or more Normal Sperm Morphology: 4% or more


The recommended period of sexual abstinence before the test is 3 to 5 days. A condition with no sperm in the semen is known as azoospermia, while having less than 15 million sperm per milliliter is diagnosed as oligospermia. Male semen characteristics can vary from time to time and may be influenced by individual differences, as well as the individual’s physical and mental state on the day of testing. Therefore, if the results are unfavorable, it is advisable to perform multiple tests on different days.

Examination and Testing Fees

Initial Visit:

  • First Consultation Fee: 3,300 yen
  • Testing Fee: 5,500 yen
  • Total: 8,800 yen (Including tax)

Subsequent Visits (2nd visit and onwards):

  • Follow-up Consultation Fee: 1,650 yen
  • Testing Fee: 3,850 yen
  • Total: 5,500 yen (Including tax)

*Please note that our clinic operates on a fee-for-service basis and is not covered by public health insurance.

As mentioned earlier, it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. For example, even if the sperm count is lower than the standard, high motility can still lead to successful fertilization. The benefit of undergoing semen analysis at a male infertility clinic lies in the fact that specialized doctors can comprehensively assess all the results and provide advice and infertility treatment accordingly.

At our clinic, we don’t apply a one-size-fits-all approach in medicine but rather tailor our recommendations based on individual situations and your preferences. Semen analysis is conducted by specialized physicians, so please don’t hesitate to consult with us and share your concerns.


Analysis of Y-chromosome microdeletions (AZF deletions)

Men with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia may have deletions in the Y chromosome’s AZF region. Our clinic conducts “chromosome microdeletion analysis” to examine this. This test is primarily used to assess the possibility of retrieving sperm through TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) for patients with azoospermia. Prior appointment is necessary for this test. If you wish to undergo it, please contact us by phone to make arrangements.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion (AZF Deletion) Analysis: 100,000 JPY (excluding tax)
※In addition, there is an initial consultation fee of 3,000 JPY (excluding tax) or a follow-up consultation fee of 1,500 JPY (excluding tax).

Seminal Fluid Analysis Procedure

1.Medical History
After completing a medical history questionnaire, there will be a brief interview with the doctor.

2.Semen Collection
You will be guided to a private collection room for semen collection. After collection, you will wait in the waiting room for about 20-30 minutes until the semen liquefies.

3.Semen Examination
While examining the collected semen under a microscope, the doctor will explain the semen volume and motility.

The examination is complete. Results, such as sperm concentration, will be available in one week. You can schedule your next appointment during billing or opt for result sheet delivery if you cannot return in person.

Tips for Keeping Semen Healthy

There are many things you can do to take care of yourself and promote healthy semen. Prioritize self-care and boost your body’s natural power. Aim for physical and mental health, and enjoy life.

  • Balanced Diet
  • Sufficient Sleep
  • Stress Management
  • Healthy Relationships (at home and at work)
  • Moderate Exercise
  • Regular Lifestyle
  • Alcohol: In moderation
  • Underwear: Trunks are preferable over briefs to avoid constriction
  • Bathing: Shorter baths or showers are better (avoid overheating)
  • Motorcycle Riding: Prolonged riding of motorcycles or bicycles can lead to pressure
  • Computer Use: Avoid prolonged use of laptops on your lap as it can generate heat, similar to saunas

If Semen Analysis Results Are Not Satisfactory

As mentioned earlier, the quality of semen in men can vary over time. Even if the initial test results are not ideal, it is not uncommon for a second test to yield better results. Guidelines recommend conducting at least two tests within a three-month period, and we also recommend retesting if the findings are not as desired. Lifestyle factors can also influence semen quality. For instance, smoking and excessive obesity are known risk factors that can worsen semen parameters. Here are some tips to improve sperm quality.

Things to Do to Improve Sperm Quality

Avoid Compression Prolonged sitting positions can compress the testicles. During desk work, driving, or cycling, make sure to stand up every hour or so to improve blood circulation.
Do not warm it up. Sperm is sensitive to high temperatures. Avoid long baths and extended sauna sessions. It is recommended to wear briefs with good ventilation rather than briefs. Also, avoid prolonged laptop use on your lap
Not smoking Smoking is known to worsen the condition of sperm.
Not being overweight Excessive obesity has also been reported as a risk factor for worsening sperm quality.
Not abstaining too much It is said that if old sperm remains in the testicles, it can oxidize and reduce the motility of newly formed sperm. Try to keep the period of abstinence to around 3 to 4 days.
Exercise regularly To improve blood flow in the pelvic area, it’s recommended to engage in regular exercise. Activities like walking, light jogging, yoga, and stretching are good options.

In addition, there have been reports that several nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, folic acid, and others, can improve sperm quality. Strive for a balanced diet.In addition, our clinic offers a set of medications that can help improve sperm quality, The contents include the following three types.

Karikrein: This medication improves blood circulation, aiding in the enhancement of sperm motility. Vitamin B12: Assists in the synthesis of proteins and DNA, contributing to an improvement in sperm concentration. Vitamin E: Possesses antioxidant properties, which can enhance sperm motility.

For individuals with unfavorable semen analysis results, insurance coverage may be applicable. Please consult with the doctor if you are interested.